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Gathered time: Lincolnshire’s redundant churches
Mills: a Manchester metonym
The Dead City
Pirate utopia: Torre David
Salvage cities
The Williamson Tunnels, revisited
No. 1, the Thames
Brexitecture: the Redsand sea forts
The heart of the city: under Senate House
Ghost streets
Incomplete futures: Giarre, Sicily
Abandoned futures: the Park Hill estate, Sheffield
Cutting Detroit: the creative reuse of urban ruins
Chronopolis: Detroit’s time zones
Dreaming the city: Phlegm’s Sheffield bestiary
Ruins in reverse: Ciudad Valdeluz, Spain
Concrete island: the abandoned MP-203 highway, Spain
Sewer, sump, swamp: drowned Londons
Ruin imaginaries: Maenofferen slate quarry, north Wales
Remnants as ruins: the Irk culvert, Manchester